The SEC Lab hosted the Texas Vegetation Managers Association Annual Conference on October 1st and 2nd. This was the third year that the SEC Lab hosted the event! The conference featured technology demonstrations at the SEC Lab along with conference meetings and a trade show held at the Texas A&M University Hotel and Conference Center. The participants included…
Sediment Control Approved Products List
The Texas Department of Transportation and TTI’s SEC Lab recently designed and built a sediment control device test system. This system was designed to research the most effective way to control sediment and other contaminants in stormwater runoff. For more information, see the project summary.
A Quarter Century of Product-Testing Excellence
Article from Texas Transportation Researcher, Volume 51, Number 2 (2015).
Rain or Shine: TTI’s SEC Lab Pioneers Roadside Environmental Management
Article from Texas Transportation Researcher, Volume 59, Number 2 (2023).
First, Do No Harm: When endangered species habitats lie in a roadway’s path.
Unintended encounters with cars and trucks are bad news for animals. Not only do creatures face dangers on existing roads, they’re often imperiled from the moment road construction begins. Assistant Research Scientist Jett McFalls talks about why protecting endangered snakes and toads is good for the creatures, and good for keeping road projects on schedule…
TTI/TxDOT-Developed Test Method Recognized as Official ASTM Standard for Erosion Control on Slopes
Article from Texas Transportation Researcher, Volume 56, Number 3 (2020).
Joint Effort by TTI, Texas A&M AgriLife Helps to Protect Endangered Species From Road Projects
Article from Texas Transportation Researcher, Volume 58, Number 1 (2022).
TTI’s SEC Lab Receives Prestigious International Recognition
News item from Texas Transportation Researcher, Volume 53, Number 2 (2017). TTI’s SEC Lab Receives Prestigious International Recognition (PDF)
Research in Motion: TTI’s Sediment and Erosion Control Lab
A video highlighting how research at TTI’s Sediment and Erosion Control Lab impacts our daily lives.